Posts Categorized: Health Alerts

Arsenic Concerns Linger over Consumption of Rice

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Are you eating as much rice as you did a year ago when the report on arsenic in rice came out?  The report prepared by Consumer Reports tested different kinds of white and brown rice and found alarming levels of arsenic in rice, especially brown rice. Health officials have known for a long time that…
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Warning for Oxalates in Your Diet

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One of the surprising health concerns for many people, including those with a “healthy diet,” is the problem of oxalates in many of the foods you eat and what it can do to compromise your health.

Viruses a Major Concern for World Population

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Viruses are a constant danger for the health of the majority of the world population.  While there have not been any recent viruses that have turned into pandemics, the risk is still there and world health officials continue to try and keep on top of them and prevent a worldwide epidemic. 

Cancer Risk with Cell Phones Uncertain

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With the over 90% of Americans using cell phones and over six billion users worldwide, cell phone safety is still unknown with cell phone companies stating that cell phones are safe, while some consumer groups and concerned cell phone users are not as confidant about their safety, especially from long-term use.